
Go with the flow!

Life is a never ending developing process! From birth until death our minds are growing and physically dying cells will be replaced as long as possible. Thanks to our medical system the life-span increases, but there are still ups and downs. 

Sunny side  

When body and mind are in harmony and the work-life balance is best organized,  we trust in nature and exist   in very stabil conditions!


A total eclipse of the sun shows us very clearly and direct, that our well-being on mother earth is depending  on countless factors!


To be on the dark side of life is normal at night. But when the period lasts longer, it´s a really hard work to see more light at the end of the tunnel!


It might be very useful to go with the flow and accept the unchangeable conditions of life, but to develop the power and state of mind to change things that hinder visions!  

At the beginning of the last century, there were tendencies in physics to look for new models of thought. It was reserved for a very religious man to develop the necessary courage and wisdom for a fundamentally new approach. Albert Einstein had the audacity to experiment with physical equations. By radical shortening in existing formulas, he came across to an unimaginable reality at that time: E = m · c² 
Even today, a good hundred years later, this formula emanates a special kind of magic. Energy and mass are simple, scientifically measurable quantities. They should therefore be directly related and comparable, equivalent. But what does this crazy c², speed of light in potency mean? The  lemniscate  offers a remarkable result!  

The Power of Nascillation 

The square of the speed of light, the mysterious c² from Albert Einstein's formula, means in the sense of old knowledge: To create matter, energetic vibrations with the highest possible potential must harmonize! The speed of light is, after all, the highest measurable value for this unit in our system. When equal vibrations potentiate and superimpose powerfully, resonance arises. This amplification we know as loud whistling from speakers in a feedback. Sympathetic resonance describes the important effect for a harmonic sound by resonating tensioned strings of many musical instruments. 

Creative vibration can be described as nascent oscillation, which brought me immediately to nascillation for quantum physics. This term has the advantage of arousing the same association in other languages ​​due to its Latin origin. Nascillation works in principle like our smartphones. Things that are in the air are based on harmonic resonance that has a certain aura. And if the transmitter is on the same wavelength as the receiver, the triggering pulse generator will resonate. The nascent oscillation -  visible in the lemniscate - results in an effect that consciously creates something newly understood. 

More than longing

It's time to realize your full potential. Develop yourself. Realize your wishes. Make your life more fulfilling.

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